Devara Makers announce All-India Record for Glimpse, but Pushpa 2 Still holds the record. It is widely known that NTR and Koratala Siva’s Pan Indian film, Devara movie’s Glimpse was released yesterday evening and received a superb response. However, there appears to be a controversy regarding the views of the Glimpse.
The makers of Devara took to their social media account and officially announced that the teaser of Devara has clocked 57 million views and set a new record in Indian Cinema for views in 24 hours. However, the updated views on YouTube for all languages are as follows.
Pushpa 2–53.8M
Devara – 49.4M
In Telugu, Devara has broken breaks Pushpa 2 record by 6M views. Pushpa 2 clocked 20.4M, and Devara clocked 26.2M views but Pushpa 2 has a big margin in Hindi as Pushpa 2 clocked 27.7M views, whereas Devara clocked 18.51M views only. Devara Makers announce All-India Record for Glimpse, but Pushpa 2 Still holds the record.
In Telugu, definitely Devara is the record holder, but if we consider all India views Pushpa 2 still holds the record. But Devara makers announced 57M views in 24 hours, and it cannot be said as the real-time views as Pushpa 2 has 60M+ views. Which means both in real time and updated views, Pushpa 2 still holds the record.