Upcoming film of Balakrishna directed by Bobby, Daaku Maharaaj is said to have a sensational 1st half. The team is super confident after watching the output. This is a great news for the fans and audience. The teaser of the film has also garnered stunning views justifying its hype.
The first sinle, The Rage of Daaku, however couldn’t generate the needed response. Now, the second single, Chinna is arriving tomorrow. The team alongwith the Producer, Naga Vamsi and Director Bobby conducted a brief press meet where they answered about many issues regarding the film. Naga Vamsi said that the films has comeout very well more than the previous blockbuster films of Balakrishna.
He also said that he wouldn’t mind telling that the film will be better than Bobby’s previous Blockbuster Waltair Veerayya starring Chiranjeevi. The film is slated for release on 12th January next year as a Sankranthi bonanza. Let’s wait and see how the film fares.