As mentioned earlier, the makers of Pushpa on the occasion of Devi Sri Prasad’s birthday have released an update on their new single. Titled ‘Daakko Daakko Meka’ the song is performed in 5 versions. One version each has been sung in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi.
Vishal Dadlani (Hindi), Vijay Prakash (Kannada), Rahul Nambiar (Malayalam), Shivam (Telugu) and Benny Dayal (Tamil) have performed the five versions. Incidentally, the RRR Dosti Song also followed a similar concept of 5 singers for 5 languages.
Daakko Daakko Meka from the sound of it appears to be an energetic song prepping for an upcoming war like situation. The song will be picturized on Allu Arjun and we can expect to hear some mass beats and witness amazing choreography as well.
The single will be out on August 13th. The Devi Sri Prasad, Sukumar, and Allu Arjun combo is returning after 12 years and nothing short of fireworks are expected this time around.