The court granted bail to Pallavi Prashanth with conditions. For the first time, a Bigg Boss reality show winner was arrested by Telangana police hours after winning in what appears to be a twist of fate. The police accuse Pallavi Prashanth of being behind the destruction of public property in the chaos caused by his fans and other contestants. The court granted bail to Pallavi Prashanth with conditions.
Bhole Shavali, a singer and contestant in the seventh season of Bigg Boss Telugu, made significant efforts to recruit a legal team and apply for Pallavi Prashanth’s bail.
Upon hearing the arguments and determining that the Prosecution lacked sufficient evidence to assert that Prashanth was a direct participant in the conspiracy, destroying the public property, or assessing its value, the judge granted bail to the BB7 winner.
The judge granted conditional bail to Pallavi Prashanth – Bigg Boss Telugu 7 Winner
- 1. No Press Meets or Media Talks.
- 2. No Fan Meetings.
Pallavi Prashanth’s fans are happy as the court has granted bail for Pallavi Prashanth with conditions. They are grateful to Bhole Shavali for his timely help and hope to see the winner of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 be released from Chanchalguda prison by Friday night or Saturday morning.
Meanwhile, the contestant’s lawyer questioned, “What is the Police doing regarding law and order? A political witch hunt and conspiracy caused this case, and Pallavi Prashanth was arrested solely to seek revenge. Are these police arresting big celebs when a fan dies at an audio function?”.