After the demise of Dasari Narayana Rao, no one was interested to take the responsibility of solving problems in the Telugu Film Industry. But Chiranjeevi has always stepped up to the occasion whenever the Telugu Film industry needs him and shown that he is bigger than any industry position. If any problem arises Chiranjeevi is always the first person to respond.
We all know about his charity work during the 1st and 2nd waves of COVID-19. He actively set up a foundation and also served the entire industry during those tough times.
Now the entire industry has been suffering from the low ticket rates in Andhra Pradesh. Many big films like Pushpa-The Rise and Shyam Singha Roy suffered due to low ticket rates in AP. The films did well in most regions except AP, which is one of the major regions in terms of collections.
Chiranjeevi has once again stepped up to solve this issue. He has had multiple meetings with AP CM Jagan to discuss solutions to this problem. Due to his efforts, Jagan is finally agreeing on a compromise. He has almost single-handeldy found a solution to this problem.
Although Chiranjeevi does not like being referred to as the topmost member of the Telugu Film industry, he has time and again proved that he is bigger than the biggest industry position.
Coming to the work front, Chiranjeevi will be eagerly waiting for the release of Acharya on April 29th.