Megastar Chiranjeevi is on cloud nine these days and Ram Charan has a big role to play in it. Chiranjeevi, at the moment, is enjoying all the accolades that Charan is receiving for RRR. He is a proud father and has been quite vocal in appreciation for his son’s work and growing stardom.
While Charan’s success is one happy news for him, his nephew Varun Tej’s continuous flops have become a bit of concern for him. The massive failure of Ghani has further forced Megastar to take a personal interest in Varun’s script selection now.
Chiranjeevi is taking an active interest in building a solid filmography for Varun Tej. He has been listening to various scripts and is personally supervising the whole process before the young Mega hero gives green light to any project. It is safe to say that whatever projects Varun signs up now, will have to go through his uncle.
Interestingly, Megastar was similarly involved in Charan’s career during his initial days. He personally went through many scripts and made suggestions for story changes in a number of Charan projects. As we all know, he has a keen eye for mass pulse and both Varun and Naga Babu are hoping this strategy works wonders for them.