The news of Megastar Chiranjeevi and Bimbisara director Mallidi Vashishta’s collaboration on a socio fantasy film has been ongoing for a few days now, according to industry sources. It is also said that the film will be made in all languages like a Pan India movie with a big budget. With this film, Chiranjeevi, will be back to Pan India cinema race once again after a few years.
Reportedly, Chiranjeevi – Vasishtha project has got a crazy title called Mulloka Veerudu. Mallidi Vasishtha got a big name and popularity after the sensation he created with the socio-fantasy film Bimbisara with Kalyan Ram in the lead role.
With Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Chiranjeevi tried to capture the pan India market and the movie was made on a huge budget along with a big star cast, but the film did not work well in other languages. Only in Telugu, it did get some good numbers at the box office.
After such a result, Chiranjeevi stuck to regional cinema and also looked very concerned about his films budgets but now Mallidi Vashishta, the Bimbisara director has impressed him with a socio fantasy theme and the movie’s expected budget is 250 Crores and the movie will be made into all languages. The film it will go on to sets from this year-end. Let’s hope that this time, Megastar Chiranjeevi will be successful in his attempt of making a Pan India film.