P Vasu and Raghava Lawrence’s upcoming horror film, Chandramukhi 2, will be released as a Vinayaka Chavithi special in September. The movie has gained a lot of attention in the trade circles, and it has done a record amount of pre-release business as well. Also, looking at the promotional content of the film, it looks like the makers of Chandramukhi 2 are continuing the sentiment of Part 1.
If we observe, for the first part of Chandramukhi, in the Telugu version the makers used the Tamil language song Vaarai and In the Tamil version they used the Telugu language song has Ra Ra. Now for the 2nd part, they are doing the same as well. It is in more number now as the makers are doing it for 3 songs. As of now, they used 3 Telugu songs in Tamil version and 3 Tamil songs in the Telugu version. The movie certainly looks like a proper continuation of the 1st part.
The film is scheduled to be released this year on Vinayaka Chavithi in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada languages. Directed by P Vasu, Chandramukhi 2 is the sequel to the blockbuster Tamil horror comedy Chandramukhi, which starred Rajinikanth and Jyothika in the lead roles.
While Raghava Lawrence will reprise the role of Rajinikanth, Kangana Ranaut will appear in Jyotika’s place along with Vadivelu, Mahima Nambiar, Lakshmi Menon, Srushti Dange, Rao Ramesh, Vignesh, Ravi Maria, Suresh Menon, Subiksha Krishnan and many others.