Ajay Devgan’s latest film, Maidaan is big big-budget film. It is made with 250 crores budget on a large scale directed by Amit Sharma. The film opened to positive word of mouth on 10th April but the opening is a shocking one. Maidaan opened with disastrous numbers by collecting nearly 7.25 crores nett in India including premieres. The team immediately came to a decision to distribute a ticket free for Maidaan.
There is a buy one-get one free offer for Maidaan from Day 2 itself. This didn’t move the audience as they are still reluctant to watch the film. It continued the same momentum even on its Day 2. Audience not turning to theatre to use this offer shows how pathetic the situation is. Trade analysts are expecting the film to close around 30 crores nett in India in its full run. This will be quite embarrassing for Ajay Devgan who has scored big hit with Drishyam 2.
Maidaan has been postponed several times and the team felt summer season would be a good time but it didn’t change the fate of the film. Maidaan is a real life drama based on Syed Abdul Rahim, a football coach. It also stars Priyamani in the female lead role.