Mega Power Star Ram Charan recently announced that he will team up with director Buchi Babu Sana of Uppena fame. Ram Charan seemed to be very excited when he officially revealed that he will work with this youthful director.
While that is that, another interesting piece of story is doing rounds regarding this film. According to the reports, budding director Buchi babu is said to be taking a whopping record remuneration of approx 15 crores.
Industry circles are in for a shock after getting to know this news, it would be really surprising news for everyone because the director, Buchi Babu is just a one film old director and giving him this range of record remuneration is like a wonder.
We Know that his first film was a huge blockbuster but 15 Crores remuneration for the Ram Charan movie is huge, it is also being added that the 1/3Rd of the remuneration will be paid as an advance for Buchi Babu.
It is heard that even for his debut film Uppena, Buchi Babu got a good remuneration and after the success, Mythri team gifted him with a Benz car and a costly flat.
Director Sukumar is said to be the main reason for this recognition given to Buchi Babu. Sukumar trusted him, and he’s also involved in Buchi Babu’s films, so the producer has enormous confidence in the young director.
Ram Charan’s film is reported to be very huge project and we expect the other details of the film to be revealed soon.