Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt starrer Brahmastra registered sensational openings last week and continued its victory run over the weekend. The film collected 125Cr nett over the first weekend and has set a new benchmark for Hindi films. The previous record for direct Hindi films was Sanju which collected Rs 120 crores.
However, the movie tanked on the first weekday i.e. Monday. The film saw significant drops much to the disappointment of the makers. Brahmastra has made on close to 500Cr budget, The comparison will be always there with big pan India blockbusters like RRR, KGF2, and Baahubali2.
All these three movies collected more than 1000Cr gross and looking at the start it had, it appeared Brahmastra might also join this club. However, looking at the drops now, it’s not possible for Brahmastra to come close to these films.
Considering the budget and expectations the film dropped on Monday and it has a more than 60% drop on Monday from Sunday which is unexpected.