Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgn, and Akshay Kumar have received notices from the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) about their promotion of a gutka brand, the Centre told the Allahabad High Court on Saturday.
The representation was made on Oct 22 but no action was taken till recently. The court was also informed that Amitabh Bachchan had sent a legal notice to a gutka company, showing his advertisement even though he had already canceled his contract with the gutka brand.
This petition named several Bollywood actors including Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Shah Rukh Khan, and Saif Ali Khan. It also named the managing directors of Gutka companies Vimal, Kamla Pasand, and Pan Bahar. The petitioner also sought direction from the CCPA to take action against these Padma awardees and impose a penalty on them.
The petition stated that such individuals should be directed to deposit the amount earned from such endorsements and an equal amount in the Government of India relief fund. Taking note of these issues, the court directed the petitioner to approach the Government of India and draw its attention to the “alleged misconduct”.