Till last year, Rs 300Cr nett in India was considered a blockbuster revenue for Bollywood films. No Bollywood films had collected more than Rs 400Cr nett. But in 2023, everything changed. Already 3 films – Pathaan, Jawan, and Gadar 2 have crossed Rs 500Cr nett. Now Animal is also expected to join this club and Shahrukh Khan’s Dunki is also a strong contender to join this club. Bollywood’s graph has gone up this year India and as well as overseas.
In Kollywood, the big Heros market used to be around Rs 300Cr – 400Cr, and no Vijay film or Rajini film [Excluding 2Point0] managed to cross 350Cr mark. But this year alone, Jailer collected 625 Cr and Leo collected 594 Cr which is a massive spike in their market. This has set a benchmark that other top Kollywood heroes would look to emulate.
Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about the Telugu film industry. The Tollywood market is still on the same position and there is no growth in any territory. Telugu films are still struggling to cross Rs 300Cr mark. Excluding Rajamouli films, no other film has crossed the 300Cr mark in Telugu markets. Now all eyes are on Salaar which has a chance to do this