Bollywood achieved India’s highest-grossing film after a long gap. It is widely known that the Bollywood industry is a vast market, and Bollywood has dominated Indian cinema from the beginning. Still, recently, South Cinema started making pan-India movies and gave tough competition to the Hindi film industry. Bollywood achieved India’s highest-grossing film after a long gap.
From the Baahubali Series, South Indian films started dominating Bollywood. Bollywood did not score India’s biggest grosser for a calendar year in recent years. Finally, the industry scored with Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan this year.
In 2016, Bollywood scored the biggest grosser with Amir Khan’s Dangal; after that, no more highest grossers came from the industry. Bollywood achieved India’s highest-grossing film after a long gap.
The List of Highest Grossers for India in Last Six Years
2017 – Baahubali 2
2018 – 2 Point 0
2019 – Avengers End Game
2020 – Corona year
2021 – Pushpa
2022 – KGF 2
In 2023, everyone also expected the South film. Prabhas’s Salaar will be the highest grosser for the year, but Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan ended up as the highest grosser this year, with a grossing of over 1150Cr+.