Among the various Bollywood releases that happened this year, Rajesh Krishnan’s ‘Crew’ was the biggest surprise hit. ‘Crew’ saw the combination of Tabu, Kareena Kapoor, and Kriti Sanon lighting up the screen with humour and glamour. The multistarrer worked very well at the box office collecting more than 150 Cr gross. The entertainment quotient and the presence of the three talented actresses was well appreciated by the audience.
Crew’s success was a much-needed one for Bollywood which saw a string of big-budget releases that all failed. The heist comedy will now be streamed on Netflix from 24th May.
Speaking about the same, the makers of the film, Rhea Kapoor and Ektaa R Kapoor, shared, “We are thrilled to bring ‘Crew’ to Netflix after its successful theatrical run. This film dives deep into friendship, deception, and resilience amidst a ton of comic chaos. We can’t wait for audiences around the world to experience the suspense, fun, and drama exclusively on Netflix. It’s a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.