Kalyan Ram’s next movie Bimbisara is a prestigious project. This is the first Telugu movie to have four parts. The team has released trailer yesterday and it got tremendous response. The movie is directed by Mallidi Vashist. This is the first movie of Vashist and throughout the trailer you will never feel like it.
Kalyan Ram himself is producing the movie under NTR Arts. Bimbisara is a fictional movie that revolves around time travel concept. A ruthless king Bimbisara time travels to this generation and we have to wait to know how, why and many more. Catherine Theresa is the lead actress in this movie.
The trailer had so many action packed shots in it. Kalyan Ram did well as a ruthless king and we hvae to wait and watch how this movie is going to be. The team are planning to make this movie into four parts which is the first of its kind in Telugu.
Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer for this movie whilst Chirantan Bhatt is the music director. We can see Prakash Raj, Vivan Bhatena, Samyuktha Menon in other important characters as well. The movie was first announced in 2021 on the birth anniversary of Sr. NTR. We have to see how this movie is going to be.