In the first weekend episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Nagarjuna comes and recaps the entire week and behavior of contestants. At first, he watched some footage of the Friday episode where Shubhashree and Prince Yawar had an argument over the latter calling the former as useless. After that, Nagarjuna had a funny interaction with the contestants.
Nagarjuna warned Prince for using a word like useless on Shubhashree, and he also stated that it was bad on the part of Prince for him to call Shubhashree as useless. He instructed Prince and Kiran Rathod to learn and talk Telugu only.
After that, Nagarjuna showed what the viewers/audiences think of the contestants with their ratings. He congratulated Priyanka for playing well in tasks. He even said that she was working very well in the Kitchen but stated that she should not show her frustration on other contestants.
Nagarjuna then praised Shivaji While told Damini, Prince Yawar, Kiran Rathod, Shakeela and Sandeep to do better. Nagarjuna praised Rathika for her attentiveness in the activity task and explained to the other contestants why she was selected for the contender by the bigg boss. Then he praised Prashanth, Shobha Shetty while he told Gautam and Amardeep could have done much better with their game.
Shubhashree was also told by Nagarjuna that she played good should improve her game. Then he asked what Gautam told her without using a Mic. Nagarjuna showed the ratings given by the audiences to the all contestants and probed them to work hard to meet the expectations of everyone. Finally, he said he will meet them tomorrow, and he did not mention anything about nomination or voting.
At last, the show ended with the competition between Sandeep and Priyanka for the Power Astra. They had to throw balls in the different baskets by walking on a single moving table on the opposite routes. Sandeep won the Power Astra (5 week immunity and first confirmed housemate of this season) as he threw more balls than Priyanka. The show ended when bigg boss sent him the Power Astra.