Bhole Shavali irritated Shobha and Priyanka during the nominations of Bigg Boss Telugu 7th Season, the way he talked and the words he used were severely criticized by Shobha and Priyanka. Visibly, Bhole’s behavior was called out by almost all the contestants or housemates. He apologized to Shobha and Priyanka at the end of the episode.
At first, the nominations continued with Shobha Shetty nominating Bhole and Teja. There was a big argument between Shobha and Bhole Shavali and even Priyanka got frustrated with the behavior of Bhole and there was a heated atmosphere with both of them mocking each other.
Thereafter, Shivaji nominated Gautam and Amardeep while Ashwini nominated Pooja Murthy and Arjun Ambati and there was a funny argument between the two during the nomination. Gautam nominated Bhole, and Shivaji where the latter got angry with the nomination and both had a big argument.
Bhole Shavali nominated Shobha and Priyanka and again there was a big argument between Shobha Priyanka and Bhole. Bhole said apology to them and entire house. Prince Yawar nominated Gautam and Amardeep.
Finally, Bhole, Ashwini, Teja, Prashanth, Pooja, Amardeep and Gautam were the nominated for the elimination in this week.