In Saturday’s episode, Nagarjuna gave a surprise as he brought back three old contestants who were eliminated by the audience on the bigg boss stage. Those Contestants were Rathika Rose, Subhashree Rayaguru, and Damini Bhatla. the twist shocked the housemates.
Before that, the weekend episode started as usual with Nagarjuna entering with dancing on a song. He danced to the Badass song from Leo. After that, he watched the footage from the Friday episode. In that episode, Prince Yawar who became the new captain of the house, had a few arguments with Priyanka, Gautam, and Amardeep.
The housemates felt that the behavior of Yawar was very rude after becoming the captain, and Sandeep also had an argument with Yawar. After that, Nagarjuna came before the housemates, and reviewed the game of the contestants.
He appreciated Amardeep that his game was better in this week and praised Prince Yawar who became the new captain. Nag warned Gautam Shivaji regarding their words during the arguments. Then he said to them there was a surprise for them.
Later, Rathika Rose, Damini and Subhashree came on to the Bigg Boss stage. Nagarjuna informed them that one of the three is likely to go inside as a housemate. But they have to convince the housemates to vote for them, said Nagarjuna. The three said they would definitely convince them. Nagarjuna sent the three inside the house.
However, Bigg Boss did not open the door near the garden area to prevent them from meeting the old housemates. From there, they were greeted by all the housemates. Nagarjuna also requested the housemates to come back to the TV and informed them that they will be instructed when to vote for the three contestants. Nag said to housemates to vote for Rathika, Damini and Subhashree tomorrow.