Bigg Boss Telugu Season 4 fame Syed Sohel Ryan’s latest film, ‘Mr. Pregnant’, was released on this Friday. The posters and promos had hinted that the film has been made with a unique concept, which features young actress Roopa Koduri as the female lead, who was impressive in her debut film Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya. On the same day of Mr. Pregnant movie’s release, Prabhas’ Yogi was re-released in theaters in both Telugu states. On social media, Sohel’s comments on ‘Yogi’ and other big films re-releases have gone viral.
In a promotional interview after the movie’s release, which happened yesterday evening, Sohel advised distributors and fans of top Tollywood star heroes not to re-release big movies on weekends. “Please don’t plan any re-release on weekends, as the hype around big movies featuring top stars will kill the little vibe which small movies generate after much struggle. I humbly urge everyone to plan the re-releases on weekdays and leave the weekends for small movies instead,” Sohel said.
According to Sohel, young and upcoming actors like him enter the industry with many dreams and require the support of both the industry and the audience. He also requested everybody to watch “Mr Pregnant” and support him and his crew.
One has to agree that there is truth in the words and pain of Sohel. The trend of re releasing the old super hit movies of star heroes has affected the newly released small films in the past as well.