It is very well known to everyone that Icon Star Allu Arjun had opened AAA Cinemas in Ameerpet recently. The famous Satyam Theatre in Ameerpet was replaced by a shopping mall and a multiplex. Allu Arjun and Asian Group are the partners. However, in the opening ceremony, only Allu Aravind and Allu Arjun took part and there was no presence of the Mega family. Seeing all this, a rumor is being spread that there are big personal differences between Allu Arjun and Chiranjeevi.
According to the industry circles, Allu Aravind had indeed invited Chiranjeevi for the opening ceremony of AAA cinemas but Chiranjeevi was not interested in coming according to the reports. From the past few years, the rumors in industry circles about the growing differences between the Mega family and Allu family have become more and more because of Allu Arjun’s changed behavior off-screen which is said to be because of his rise as a star hero.
Normally Chiranjeevi attends even the smallest of events if he is invited and him skipping such a big event of AAA Cinema’s opening ceremony adds strength to the rumors. As said above, there was no presence of anyone from mega family in AAA Cinema’s opening ceremony. There were also no photos of other Mega family heroes at the AA Icon Lounge area in the Multiplex.
At that time, Allu Aravind had sent letters to the members of the Mega family to invite them to the Multiplex. He sent a letter to Nagababu inviting him to the multiplex to watch Adipurush or any another film. He also wrote that they were not invited to the opening following traffic problems and massive turnaround of the crowd.