Megastar Chiranjeevi’s upcoming film is Bhola Shankar. The film is being directed by Meher Ramesh and the work of the film is progressing at a rapid pace. On the one hand, the shooting works are going, on another hand, the makers are doing the promotions. The latest update for mega fans has been announced by the film’s unit. Bhola Shankar’s trailer release date has been fixed and announced by the makers.
Tweets from director Meher Ramesh and the production house alarmed the mega fans to get ready for the mega entertaining action spectacle in the form of Bhola Shankar’s theatrical trailer, which will be launched on July 27th.
So now it is confirmed that Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar theatrical trailer will be released on July 27. On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej starrer ‘Bro’ is all set to be released on July 28. This is a double kick for mega fans, and they are now planning to enjoy it to the fullest by the end of this month. It is known that Milky Beauty Tamannaah is playing the female lead opposite Chiranjeevi in Bhola Shankar and Keerthy Suresh will be seen in the role of his young sister.
The film is a remake of Tamil super hit movie Vedalam starring Ajith. Meher Ramesh is the director and the film is produced by Ramabrahmam Sunkara under the banner of AK Entertainments. Mahati Swara Sagar is composing the music for the film. Along with Chiranjeevi, the film also stars Akkineni Sushanth in an important role. The film will be released worldwide on August 11.