For all Mega admirers, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar was a colossal letdown. Fans have openly expressed their disappointment at yet another remake from the MegastarFrom day 1, there were concerns about the movie’s box office performance, although there was some hope that Megastar’s popularity may help the box office perform better.
After a disastrous theatrical run, the film was released on Netflix and has received a similar reception on the OTT giant as well. The film is being completely avoided by the Telugu audience. In fact, Gopichand’s Ramabanam is trending no1 on Netflix and Bhola Shankar is not even in top 10. It looks like the audience is not interested in watching the film in OTT too . Many of those who have watched the film are terming it as a cringe production and blaming Chiranjeevi for accepting a film of this quality.
Theatrically, the film completely crashed and most of the theaters went into deficit right after just a couple of days. The movie finishes its run at the box office with Rs 29.2 crore share worldwide as opposed to the theatrical business of Rs 88 crore. It is a never before disaster for Chiranjeevi in. his career. Collecting a zero share on the 6th day itself is truly unimaginable for a star-hero movie.