Bhagavanth Kesari needs a big 3rd weekend at the box office. It is widely known that Nandamuri Balakrishna has released his latest film as a Dussehra gift. The film received a better response from the audience, and Balayya was appreciated for playing his age. Anil Ravipudi is the film’s director, and Sree Leela is the second lead. Now, Bhagavanth Kesari needs a big 3rd weekend at the box office.
The film performed exceptionally well on the 2nd Sunday, but after that, it started to see drops in its weekly collections and is running with negligible shares. The film has achieved breakeven in many areas, But still, a few areas like, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, and Nellore, are pending, and the worldwide share of the film is at 65Cr.
The film needs another 5Cr share for a clean hit status. The film should aim for a big 3rd weekend to improve the equations. Looking at this pace, the film will likely end up as third best for Balakrishna. The 1st one is Veera Simha Reddy with 74Cr, and the Second is Akhanda with 72Cr.
The movie featured Kajal Aggarwal opposite Balakrishna, with National Award winner Arjun Rampal making his debut in Telugu as the antagonist. In addition, Ravi Shankar, Sarathkumar, Raghu Babu, and others played critical roles in the film. Shine Screens produced it, and Thaman S scored music for the film.