Bellamkonda Srinivas, who was last seen in the Telugu movie Alludu Adurs, is now ready to make his Bollywood debut. He has done the lead role in the Hindi remake of Prabhas’ Chatrapathi with the same title is going to be released in the next week. Srinivas made some interesting comments in an interview given as a part of the film’s promotions, and he also elaborated on his career and how he overcame a Major Financial Crisis.
It is very well known to everyone that Srinivas’ entry in the Telugu Film Industry in the lead role happened with the movie Alludu Seenu, which was directed by VV Vinayak. Although the movie was successful, it took almost another two years for Srinivas to appear on the silver screen again. He explained why that kind of situation came in his life.
Bellamkonda Srinivas stated that everyone thinks that he was able to get into films easily because his father was a producer. He said that is true, but he continued he was in the industry because he worked hard. His first movie, Alludu Seenu was a blockbuster and Srinivas said his father was the producer of that movie, and he was very supportive. According to Srinivas, Samantha and Tamanna did not agree to work with him just like that. He had created a demo video of 5 minutes each of dance, acting, action and sent it to them.
After watching the video, both the star heroines agreed to do the film and it was very successful. But Bellamkonda family was already facing financial difficulties at that time. A few films which were produced and distributed by Bellamkonda Suresh had brought losses. Srinivas stated because of the pressure increasing on him, he turned down many opportunities which came towards him. He sat at home for a year and a half. After that, he did the second film with a low budget. Bellamkonda Srinivas said that he stood up in every way with Jaya Janaki Nayaka film, which was directed by Boyapati Srinu as he showed faith in him.
Other than Bellamkonda Srinivas, Chatrapathi stars Nushrratt Bharuccha, Freddy Daruwala, Sharad Khelkar and Rajendra Gupta, in other crucial roles. The background score is composed by Ravi Basrur, while the songs are given by Tanishk Bagchi. The film is releasing in theaters on May 12.