Bellamkonda Sreenivas, a notable actor in Telugu, has pinned high hopes on Chatrapathi (2023), a remake of Rajamouli’s film of the same name, which marks his Hindi film debut. Helmed by V. V. Vinayak, the film emerged as a collosal disaster at the box office. On the occasion of Ugadi, he made an announcement via Twitter, where he began by saying that the past few months have been ‘challenging’.
Despite not mentioning it explicitly, one understands that he’s referring to the result of his last film, Chatrapathi (2023). After the film bombed at the box office, the actor chose to take a break from films for self-reflection and to focus on his personal life. Sreenivas will next see ‘Tyson Naidu’, an action entertainer directed by Sagar K. Chandra of Bheemla Nayak fame. Bankrolled by 14 Reels Plus, it features Nabha Natesh as the female lead.
Besides this, he has stated that he is part of films produced by Shine Screens and Moonshine Pictures. Vijay Kanakamedala, who made his directorial debut with Naandi (2021), is reportedly directing one of these films. He went on to say that the past few months have been challenging, and he thanked