Tollywood Actor cum producer Bandla Ganesh has indirectly attacked Actor Allu Arjun. The producer attended a press meet ahead of the re-release of Pawan Kalyan starrer Gabbar Singh. The film will release on his birthday i.e., September 2nd. Bandla Ganesh in this press meet has highlighted the greatness of Pawan Kalyan comparing him to other stalwarts.
The Producer said that some people assume themselves higher than their original status. He also felt that these people can’t reach the heights of certain people like Pawan Kalyan, Chandrababu Naidu and Narendra Modi. With this statement, it clearly meant that he was targeting Allu Arjun for his campaign for his friend who belonged to YSRCP, the rival party of Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena Party. These statement from Bandla Ganesh are now going viral on social media platforms and netizens feel that it was aimed at Allu Arjun.
Allu Arjun recently made a public appearance for a film’s event and said that he would support his friends and go to any extent for that. These comments were also an answer from his side about the campaign incident that happened. We need to see how Allu Arjun fans react to these comments made by Bandla Ganesh.