Bandla Ganesh announces Revanth Reddy’s Biopic film. It is widely known that the well known Tollywood producer and actor, has a strong admiration for Revanth Reddy and has declared his desire to make a biopic about his life, following his role in the Congress’s victory in the latest Telangana assembly elections. Bandla Ganesh announces Revanth Reddy’s Biopic film.
Revanth Reddy, who was always considered a leader in the battle against the long-standing CM KCR, is the TPCC president and has become a hero after winning the recent election in Telangana. Bandla Ganesh, the renowned Tollywood producer and actor, is a staunch admirer of Revanth Reddy and freely expresses his admiration.
Bandla Ganesh has already stated that he will be present at the LB Stadium, where Revanth Reddy is being sworn-in as the Telangana CM, until the event is over.
Bandla Ganesh announced during a live TV show that he intends to produce a biopic about Revanth Reddy’s life. Ganesh pointed out the challenges that Revanth faced, which included incarceration and adversity from various opponents.