Nandamuri fans have been eagerly awaiting the entry of Nandamuri Mokshagna’s Tollywood debut for years. Balakrishna has always hinted at his son’s entrance and there have been several rumors about his launch with various Tollywood directors, but nothing seems to have materialized until now.
The fans and audiences expected that Mokshagna’s first film launch will be held on the occasion of his birthday today or at least announcement regarding the same but even today also the film was not launched.
Mokshagna’s age is already 29, but still, his first film has been not launched, and the fans are worried about this. All the current leading stars have debuted in the industry at an early age, and they became top stars at 30s but Mokshagna has not even announced his debut yet.
The industry circles had reported that Boyapati Sreenu is confirmed as the director for Mokshagna’s launch film. Let’s wait for the official announcement of the film.