Balakrishna is currently occupied with the shooting of his untitled venture with Gopichand Malineni. After Akhanda’s monstrous success, Balakrishna’s next venture has everyone excited. Some fans were so excited that they even came to visit the shooting spot of the film.
Only a couple of days ago, fans gathered to watch their favorite hero in action in Alampur. It was a beautiful scene where so many were gathered to watch Balakrishna as he swagged his way through the audience.
Now once again, fans have gathered in crowds to watch the actor. The shooting of the film is happening in Kurnool and people have collected in groups once again. The looks of Balakrishna are creating a lot of buzz and the hype is increasing every passing day.
With Balakrishna in red hot form after Akhanda and Gopichand Malineni in good form after the success of Krack, there are a lot of expectations from the film. The fans are confident that Balayya will deliver another huge blockbuster for sure.
The film also stars Shruthi Haasan, Duniya Vijay, and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in important roles. Mythri Movie Makers have produced the film and Thaman S is the music director and Naveen Nooli is the editor of the movie.