Nandamuri Balakrishna who is one of the senior actors of Tollywood is constantly being on news these days. A few days back Chiranjeevi held a meeting with Telangana CM KCR along with other Tollywood big heads. This meeting was held on with an agenda about further steps to be taken for the survival of the film industry.
Neither Chiranjeevi nor other Producers have invited Balakrishna to the meeting with KCR. With this Balakrishna has made few controversial comments about that meeting. While few members who joined the meeting contradicted Balakrishna’s statements others from the Film industry supported him. As we reported that Chiranjeevi and a few others have scheduled a meeting with Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan to discuss few issues about Film Industry. This time Producer C.Kalyan has stated that “We have invited Balakrishna Garu for the meeting with Jagan but he wouldn’t be attending the meeting because of his birthday celebrations.” But Balakrishna says that he hasn’t got any invitation regarding meeting with Jagan. He also added that these meetings are only for their personal benefits seeking lands to build their studio’s in Andhra. Balakrishna says clearly that these meetings are not at all useful for the Film Industry in this crisis time, as they are doing it for their personal agenda.