Tollywood Actor Balakrishna is reported to be playing the role of an IAS officer in his upcoming film, Daaku Maharaaj. Two looks of Balakrishna have been relevealed until now where one portrayed him in the Daaku role and the other one being that of a normal role. But it is learnt that there will be another 3rd role as a surprise which is touted be the IAS one.
Director Bobby too has confirmed this role revealing it came out very well. The Action episodes of the film are also said to have come out very well appearing as powerful. The Director has also stated that the film will be full on mass sequences. Producer of the film, Naga Vamsi too expressed the same quoting that the film will become bigger hit than the Director’s previous blockbuster Waltair Veerayya.
Daaku Maharaaj is scheduled for release on 12th January next year worldwide as a Sankranthi bonanza. Balakrishna looks to continue his hit streak with the film undoubtedly.