On November 10, Mrunal Thakur and Badshah were featured in the media when they attended Shilpa Shetty’s star-studded Diwali bash. In a video from the event that went viral, the duo was seen holding each other’s hands while leaving the party. Rumors began to circulate that the two might be dating after the clip came out. Badshah has responded to the rumors with a humorous message on Instagram.
A note was shared by rapper Badshah on his Instagram stories on Tuesday morning, November 14. He wrote that he was sorry to disappoint the Internet, but it wasn’t what everyone had been anticipating. In his note, he did not explicitly mention dating rumors with Mrunal Thakur.
“Dear Internet, sorry to disappoint you yet again but jaisa aap soch rahe hain waisa nahi hai (It’s not what you’re thinking) (in the original),” he wrote, followed by laughing emojis.
A video capturing Mrunal Thakur and rapper-songwriter Badshah from Shilpa Shetty’s Diwali party went viral, showing them holding hands for a brief moment as they exited. Mrunal, dressed in a green ethnic outfit, led the way while Badshah followed her in a black Kurta.