Baby, the movie starring Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin, was released yesterday, and it is performing very well at the box office. Sai Rajesh is the writer and director of this romantic drama. The film has gained a good amount of craze with super hit songs. Moreover, the theatrical trailer which was released had created much needed hype for the film. Now let’s take a look at the Baby movie’s 1St day box office performance.
The film has got off to an excellent start at the box office. In the A centers the film was strong from the noon shows itself and in B, C stations it opened with average numbers but picked up and showed a big jump at night shows and overall, it posted an excellent number at the box office.
The overall 1st day worldwide share will be around 3 Crores, which means it already done 30% recovery on the opening day itself. The trade circles are expecting the film to achieve the breakeven mark by the weekend Itself.
Vijay Bulganin has composed the music for the film, Baby, which has already received a tremendous response. Baby stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin in the lead roles, and is written and directed by Sai Rajesh. The movie is produced by SKN under the Geetha Arts and Mass Movie Makers banner.