Avatar2 had a massive release worldwide on over 52,000 screens with the film gaining special applause for its amazing visual effects and sheer scale of the movie. In India, the film was released on over 3000 screens, and while the advance bookings were not as good as expected the film had a good run on the first day. Avatar 2 was poised to be the biggest-ever Hollywood opener in India but unfortunately failed to cross Avengers: End Game’s opening day collections.
Avatar 2 opened with 41Cr net and 50Cr+ gross in India. On Day 2, the film saw a bigger jump and collected around 47Cr net. The total two days net is now 88Cr and the gross is close to 110Cr. Day 3 which is Sunday is expected to fetch in bigger numbers than Day 2.
Avatar: The Way of Water is the second edition of the Hollywood blockbuster franchise that started with the 2009 smash hit. The film starred Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, and Sigourney Weaver in pivotal roles. Avatar: Way of Water will feature the same cast with the addition of Kate Winslet and Michelle Yeoh.