Anushka Shetty is ready to return to the silver screen, alongside Naveen Polishetty, in the upcoming film, “Miss Shetty Mr. Polishetty,” after a long break. Directed by P. Mahesh Babu, the film is scheduled for release on 7th September. Before the movie’s release, Anushka sat down with the press to share details about her character, weight loss, and views on marriage.
While talking about her role as Anvita, a chef and feminist, Anushka expressed her enthusiasm for the character’s uniqueness and emotional depth. Anushka elaborated on the concept of progressive women, stating that each individual’s perspective is influenced by their upbringing and experiences.
Her character’s emotional storyline about motherhood was hinted at by her, which would captivate audiences to watch the film. Anushka revealed that a compelling script, like ‘Miss Shetty Mr. Polishetty’, serves as a powerful motivator to get in shape during her weight loss journey. The challenges that actors face when they gain or lose weight for their roles were highlighted by her during the discussion.
Anushka expressed her belief in love and family while also stressing that marriage should happen organically, not based on societal pressure. She reiterated her openness to finding a partner and starting a family when the right time is right, emphasizing the significance of genuine connections.