Tollywood had a rollercoaster of a year in 2023 so far. The new year started on a great note with Ravi Teja’s Dhamaka released in 2022 end continuing its blockbuster performance. Then came Sankranti where Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy both did a great job at the box office. Chiranjeevi- Ravi Teja starter emerged as a blockbuster and Balayya film also attained a hit status.
After this great start, the box office saw some slowdown and Dhanush’s Sir gave a resounding performance. Apart from Sir, only Writer Padmabhushan attracted crowds in a limited manner while films like Michael, Amigos, and Butta Bomma emerged as big failures.
March was a month of resurgence and it all started with Venu’s Balagam which surprised everyone with its terrific box-office run. The month ended with Dasara which is still doing a decent job at the Tollywood box office.
If we notice the trend, every month of the year so far has had at least two movies that had a good run. April is half over and movies like Shaakuntalam, Ravanasura, Rudrudu, and Meter have all failed to perform well. Rudrudu and Shaakuntalam in particular had a disastrous weekend at the box office, Both movies completely crashed out after a poor opening. Buyers are facing a very tough period with continuous disasters