The upcoming movie ‘Animal’ is a highly anticipated one as it is the first collaboration between Bollywood Actor Ranbir Kapoor and Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. The film’s teaser has finally been revealed after a lot of anticipation today on the occasion of Ranbir’s birthday. While the fans of Ranbir are loving it, the teaser appears to be a little disappointment as the aggression and intensity lacked impact.
Ranbir Kapoor plays the role of a rich gangster’s son who decides to enter the world of crime, separating himself from his father’s influence as per the teaser.
Rashmika Mandanna and Ranbir Kapoor discuss starting a family as the teaser begins. It gives a glimpse into the aggressive nature of Ranbir’s father, played by Anil Kapoor. Ranbir still defends his father and affectionately refers to him as the ‘best father.’ The teaser then unfolds into a series of high-octane action sequences, violent confrontations, and car chases, and introduces Bobby Deol as Ranbir’s nemessis.
Overall, the teaser has the style of Sandeep Reddy Vanga and his mask aggression, intensity, but the teaser does not reveal what the hero wants and what is the film’s soul that made the scenes impact less. Also, the background score was disappointing, which should have been more effective for a gangster backdrop film.