Actor Amitabh Bachchan injured when he was shooting for Prabhas and Nag Ashwin’s Project K in Hyderabad. The 80-year-old superstar revealed in a blog post that his rib cartilage “popped” on set while he was filming an action shot, which injured him. However, there is nothing to worry about as he received medical care in Hyderabad and is now recovering at Jalsa, his home in Mumbai.
He wrote on his blog on Tumbler that it is painful “On movement and breathing, it will take some weeks they say before some normalization will occur.” He ended the post, shared on Sunday, with a plea to fans not to gather at Jalsa as usual – a Sunday meet and greet with fans outside his home has been Big B’s Sunday ritual for decades.
In his post, Amitabh Bachchan wrote: “In Hyderabad at the shoot for Project K, during an action shot, I have got injured – rib cartilage popped broke and muscle tear to the right rib cage, canceled shoot, did Doctor consult and scan by CT at the AIG Hospital in Hyderabad and flown back home. Strapping has been done and the rest been advocated. Yes, painful. On movement and breathing, it will take some weeks, they say before some normalization will occur. Some medication is also on for pain.”
So, all work that was to be done has been suspended and canceled dropped postponed for the moment until healing occurs,” Amitabh Bachchan continued, “I rest at Jalsa and am mobile a bit for all the essential activities, but yes in rest and generally lying around.”