Producer Allu Aravind’s latest film, Thandel suffered a delay in the release of its Second song, Namo Namah Shivaya (Shiva Shakti) due to the condition of his son and Actor Allu Arjun. The Actor has recently stuck in a controversy of a stampede accident during his Pushpa 2 premiere show which also saw him jailed by the Telangana Government. The team especially Allu Aravind are currently occupied in dealing with the case against Allu Arjun which has caused the delay of the song from Thandel.
The song has been expected to get huge promotion for the film since it featured a dance sequence containing female lead of the film, Sai Pallavi who is known for her dance skills. The team also expressed confidence about the song depicting it as a major asset of the film. The song was also planned to be released today but it has to be postponed unfortunately amid the controversy surrounding Allu Arjun which indirectly affects Thandel, the film from his home production, Geetha Arts.
The song will make it on YouTube only in the month of January with the release nearing after a month from then. So, let’s wait for the team to come out with the further update regarding the song.