Tollywood Actor Allu Arjun who was recently booked by the Police for a stampede accident during the premiere show of Pushpa 2 applied for a bail before the Nampally Court in Hyderabad. The case has been adjourned for hearing on next Monday with Police asking more time for filing a counter affidavit.
The case came before the Nampally Court today with the lapse of the judicial remand accorded by the Court for the Actor. It is also learnt that Allu Arjun appeared before the Court through a video call. The Court earlier remanded the Actor for 14 days after which the Actor applied for a bail before the High Court which was granted and saw him coming out of the jail.
On the other hand, his Pushpa 2 is rocking the box office grossing more than 1500 crores worldwide till now officially. This will definitely be a breather for the Actor who is reeling under the pressure of the stampede case dealt by the Police.