Allu Arjun was informed of Revathi’s Death at Theatre, says Police. The unfortunate death of a woman during Allu Arjun’s latest film, Pushpa 2 led to unexpected legal and political tensions. Recently, the Chief Minister of Telangana, Revanth Reddy fired on the Pushpa 2 actor that he was responsible for the death of Revathi. On Saturday, December 21st evening, Allu Arjun spoke to the press and stated his image was being tarnished.
Allu Arjun said that he was unaware about the incident that night, and he learned the truth in the next morning only. He also mentioned that no police personnel came to him and informed about the outside situation or Revathi’s death. However, Allu Arjun was informed of Revathi’s Death at Theatre, says Police.
According to Chikkadpally ACP Ramesh ACP Ramesh informed the star about the stampede incident, but their manager interrupted them, and he went to tell the star personally. After that Allu Arjun said he would come out only after the film gets over, despite being informed that a woman died outside, and another boy was critical and in a life-threatening condition. Then the DCP and staff went inside and brought Allu Arjun out. With each passing day, this incident is getting bigger, and no one is able to say where and when this will end.