Bheemla Nayak was released in theatres on 25th February. It opened well at box office and received hit talk for the first one week. All the celebrities including Superstar Mahesh tweeted congratulating Powerstar Pawan kalyan and other cast and crew of Bheemla Nayak. Megastar Chiranjeevi, Varun Tej and other mega heroes also posted about Bheemla Nayak’s success in social media. But Allu Arjun didn’t post anything about the movie that made Powerstar fans a bit disappointed. Though it is evident that Allu Arjun is maintaining professional distance from mega family, fans took it easy.
But Allu Arjun posted in Instagram today about Bheemla Nayak. Still the fans aren’t happy because Allu Arjun’s post is more like a promotion for his OTT platform Aha. He congratulated Bheemla Nayak for the success which looks so formal. The post looks like the main intention is to attract audience to watch the movie in Aha as it is providing high quality. He mentioned that 4K video and 5.1 Dolby audio is available in Aha. So netizens felt that Allu Arjun is trying to be a perfect businessman like his father Allu Aravind.