Allu Arjun is riding high with the success of his previous film, Pushpa: The Rise. He is currently working for Pushpa 2: The Rule. The teaser was released yesterday on the occasion of his birthday on April 8th. Fans were excited when the news of him collaborating with Atlee came out. They even expected something about the film’s update on Allu Arjun’s birthday. But Atlee didn’t wish Allu Arjun surprisingly.
Atlee is also enjoying the success of his Blockbuster, Jawaan starring Shah Rukh Khan which grossed nearly 900 crores worldwide. There is news that Atlee started working on Allu Arjun’s film. It was reported that he even had music sittings with Music Director, Anirudh. But neither he nor Anirudh wished Allu Arjun on his birthday which is quite shocking. In the meanwhile, Haarika and Haasine Creations announced a film with Allu Arjun and Director Trivikram to everyone’s surprise.
On the other hand, Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2: The Rule has received a lukewarm response. Fans and Audiences expected that the team would reveal something from the film but only a fight sequence was shown in the teaser where Allu Arjun was spotted doing Ardha Naareeswhara look which was already shown in the first look poster.