Tollywood Actor, Allu Arjun made himself busy today campaigning for his friend, MLA of YSRCP in the upcoming elections of AP. He was also accompanied by his wife Sneha. They both visited Nandyal today to extend their best wishes for Ravi Chandra Kishore Reddy who is contesting for the assembly elections.
Allu Arjun never became part of politics on any occasion. However, he now seems to have changed his mind. He also wished good luck to Pawan Kalyan, his uncle who represents the Jana Sena Party through a tweet on his official X account. But Allu Arjun coming in person to campaign for his friend in Nandyal is something else. The crowd has gone berserk to catch his glimpse.
On the other hand, whole Tollywood actors came in support of Pawan Kalyan and his party, Jana Sena Party. This has never happened before. Actors irrespective of their profession venturing into politics just before elections is not quite good. This might also make people question them when they don’t appear after the elections are finished. It would be good if they make themselves a part of politics full time but not just before elections just for the sake of an Actor.