With Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal approaching its release date on 1st December, the promotions are at their peak. Sandeep Reddy Vanga and brother Pranay are giving back-to-back interviews for movie promotions. During an interview, Pranay Reddy Vanga revealed that the story for ‘Spirit’ with Prabhas has been finalized. The treatment for the story is pending which will start after two months and the shoot will start in September 2024.
After ‘Spirit’, Sandeep Vanga and Allu Arjun’s film has also been officially announced and Pranay revealed that there is no story for this film at the moment. Both Allu Arjun and Sandeep have agreed to work without a finalized story. At the moment, Allu Arjun has Pushpa 2 and Trivikram film.
The reason behind announcing the film without a story is that Allu Arjun has complete belief in Sandeep. Interestingly, he did the same for Pushpa with Sukumar. Pranav said that Allu Arjun has complete faith in his directors.
Coming to Animal, the film will release on 1st December and it’s expected to smash several opening day records fo a Bollywood film. The film is produced by T-Series and features Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol and Anil Kapoor.