For a long time, it is being heard that Superstar Mahesh Babu will be teaming up with Mega producer Allu Arvind for a film. Earlier, Allu Aravind was said to have sent Sandeep Reddy Vanga and Parsuram to narrate a story to Mahesh, but that scripts haven’t excited the star hero. Since then, Aravind is said to be looking forward to the scripts that could match to Superstar Persona.
Now, the latest buzz is that a line narrated by sensational director Prasanth Neel has been okayed by both Mahesh Babu and Allu Aravind and it is going to be produced on Pan India Level by Geetha Arts along with GMB Productions.
It is very well known to everybody that a project with a Director like Prasanth Neel will create a huge buzz among trade circles and audiences. However, doubt is rounding in Film circles is that why Allu Aravind is not showing interest to cast his son in this crazy Pan India project even though he showed his willingness to release his upcoming films in Pan India level with “Pushpa” after scoring blockbuster success in 2020 Sankranthi clash.