Allari Naresh’s new film, Ugram was successful in getting the attention of the audience with its unique and aggressive promotions. Especially Allari Naresh’s stunning makeover in the trailer had surprised everyone. Naresh who used to act in comic roles, changed his course with Naandhi and began to make content-oriented films, after the film’s success. Ugram is directed by Vijay Kanakamedala who is the director of Naandhi. The film has been released on worldwide screens today, and let’s see what is the talk from the Overseas Premiers.
According to the talk from early shows, Ugram opens with a promising and interesting story line and afterward moves to the track of the hero’s family where the director failed to engage or connect the audience to the proceedings, which resulted in the audience getting a feel of boredom, including a song. However, it picks up the pace as it moves to the main drama which has been very well executed with a superb pre interval and interval episode.
The second half reveals the main story and in this part the intense portions are said to became out well, but some unnecessary scenes and a few emotional parts did not work. Overall, the movie opens with average – okay reports from overseas premiers and the unanimous talk is Allari Naresh has delivered an excellent performance in Ugram.
Mirnaa Menon plays the female lead in Ugram which deals with missing cases’ police drama that also has Shatru, Sharath Lohitashwa and Indraja playing other important roles in the film. The film has its dialogues written by Abburi Ravi and shot by Siddharth. J and it was edited by Chota K Prasad and has its music composed by Sri Charan Pakala. Ugram movie is produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi under the banner of Shine Screens.