Young Tiger NTR who is enjoying the success streak from past few years is currently busy shooting for Pan Indian film RRR alongside with Ram Charan directed by Rajamouli. RRR team who initially planned to complete the shoot by March and release it by July 2020, but due to delay in shooting part team has now locked a new release date as 8th January 2021.
NTR is now teaming up with Trivikram for the second time after Aravinda Sametha who recently scored a Blockbuster with Ala VaikunthaPurramuloo. This film will be going on floors from July and NTR will be joining the team later this year after he wraps up shoot for RRR.
This film will be bankrolled by Chinna Babu and NTR brother Kalyan Ram under Haarika & Hassine Creations along with NTR Arts. Team is planning to release the film in Summer 2021. Official confirmation from team about #NTR30 will be out today at 5PM.