Last month, actor Nandamuri Balakrishna, son of the late legend and political leader, founder of Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, celebrated his father’s centenary in Vijayawada with amidst a massive fan crowd, with Superstar Rajinikanth and Chandrababu Naidu gracing the same event. The Nandamuri Clan fans were so happy with the event, and now they will be further excited as all the big stars from Tollywood will be present for SR NTR’s 100 year celebrations in Hyderabad.
It has been announced that the Telugu Desam Party will hold its own centenary celebrations of SR NTR on May 20, 2023, at the Kaithalapur Grounds in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. The party member’s recently met with NTR and invited him to attend the ceremony.According to the latest news, the event will be attended by stars such as Nandamuri Balakrishna, Victory Venkatesh, Pawan Kalyan, Prabhas, Ram Charan, NTR Allu Arjun, and others.
The displays have been placed in several locations in Hyderabad, and an official announcement will be made shortly. Not only big stars, the young actors like Daggubati Rana, Nithin, Vishwak Sen, Vijay Deverakonda, Sharwanand, and Siddhu Jonnalagadda are also on the list of the attendees of this massive event which is being organized by Shreyas Media.
All heroes fans are excited to see their favorite actors in one place. The event promises to be a great treat for the fans of all the star heroes. Let’s hope that the event will be a grand success, and it will make the other heroes fans happy along with the NTR fans.